Tale 1: World-making: cosmologies, ontologies, and epistemologies

This is the digital companion page for texts from Tale 1 in An Ongoing- Offcoming Tale by Bonventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung.


Anecdotes of That Which Is So Visible It Cannot Be Seen.

On the Supranatural in Andrew Tsabangu’s Work

No Food For Lazy Man.

Some anecdotes on food, migration and hustlersophy

Emeka Ogboh

Hear the voice of water. Listen in the wind.

On the Deeper Archive, the Spiritual, the Supra-natural and the Diaspora.

On Kettly Noël

Riding Celestial Chariots

On Mining Entangled Vernaculars

Satch Hoyt

Of Blues Of Nothingness To Profound Divinity

On An Expanded Notion of Art In The Practice of Aboubakar Fofana

Welcome To Applied Fiction

Jean-Pierre Bekolo

When They Come, Flee

In conversation with Maria Thereza Alves

Tale 2: Writing otherwise. Being-in-the-world with, through, and in sound →