Tag: architecture

I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See

I Will Draw a Map of What You Never See

A gathering of the echoes, memories and findings after three years of research, performances, exhibitions and conversations within the project That, Around Which The Universe Revolves. On Rhythmanalysis of Memory, Times, Bodies in Space. This publication brings together visual artists, urbanists, writers, photographers, performers, poets, and theorists to investigate the interrelations of space and time, memory, architecture and urban planning through and beyond Henri Lefebvre’s concept of Rhythmanalysis.

Ich Zeichne Eine Karte Von Dem, Das Du Nicht Siehst

Ich Zeichne Eine Karte Von Dem, Das Du Nicht Siehst

Eine Ansammlung von Echos, Erinnerungen und Erkenntnissen aus drei Jahren Forschung, Performances, Ausstellungen und Gespräch im Rahmen von That, Around Which The Universe Revolves. On Rhythmanalysis of Memory, Times, Bodies in Space. Henri Lefebvres Konzept der Ryhthmusanalyse durch- und weiterdenkend, bringt diese Publikation Künstler*innen, Stadtplaner*innen, Schriftsteller*innen, Photograph*innen, Performer*innen, Dichter*innen und Theoretiker*innen zusammen, um die Beziehungen zwischen Raum und Zeit, Erinnerung, Architektur und Städteplanung zu untersuchen.



Cantiere Barca is an experimental art and architecture project for public space that, between 2011 and 2013, involved dozens of people in actions of construction and place-making under the guidance of the architecture collective raumlaborberlin, in a neighbourhood at the farthermost northeastern corner of the city of Turin. In the years of endless crisis – in the economy, in politics, and in the environment – Cantiere Barca has fulfilled the demand for the identity and social recognition of a group of residents, breathing life into a workshop of shared creative practices and an exchange of knowledge, thus undertaking a journey from the urban periphery to the MoMA in New York. Cantiere Barca is also a case study, which has wit- nessed both success and failure, to ponder on the meaning of such concepts as collective, community, the common good, participation, responsibility, utopia, and future.

Prima Che Sia Notte

Prima Che Sia Notte

This monograph has been published in connection with the MAXXI’s Premio Italia Contemporanea prize that Giorgio Andreotta Calò won in 2012 and was developed in collaboration with him focusing on his installation Prima Che Sia Notte. The work of Calò — performative and ephemeral — rests at the intersection of art and architecture. He intervenes on buildings and landscape, appropriating and transforming architecture and space into symbolic and aesthetic experiences. His most significant works include a series of walks that took him 1,600 miles through France, Spain, and Portugal, or 98km along the abandoned coastal train line in Lebanon, or the appropriation of the abandoned parliament building in Sarajevo which he illuminated from sunset to sunrise with an artificial light.