Tag: Art

Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld – Reader (EN)

Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld – Reader (EN)

The Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld Reader explores radical and emancipatory significations and fabulations of trespassing, turning towards practices that transgress and reshape the boundaries of, among other dimensions, currency, governance, religion, spirituality, language, and artificial intelligence.

Vergib uns unsere Schuld / Forgive Us Our Trespasses – Reader (DE)

Vergib uns unsere Schuld / Forgive Us Our Trespasses – Reader (DE)

The Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld Reader explores radical and emancipatory significations and fabulations of trespassing, turning towards practices that transgress and reshape the boundaries of, among other dimensions, currency, governance, religion, spirituality, language, and artificial intelligence.

Akinbode Akinbiyi

Akinbode Akinbiyi

The photographer, the wanderer, glides softly in the crush of the everyday, stepping out onto awkwardly paved sidewalks, weaving through crowds, seeking out moments of quiet serendipity. It’s in happenstance, coincidence, that the magic becomes immanent, the constantly weaving, liminal threads taking shape, becoming momentarily visible, forming into occurrences that vibrate, are.

Majnoon Filed Guide

Majnoon Filed Guide

Majnoon is an oil field in the global south. Majnoon is also the violence, and the state of mind that survives the violence. How can this be a field guide in any customary sense? Latitudes have been taken. Words are written in disruptedor troubled syntax. Rather, this book proceeds alongsidea search for what many call emancipatory practice; to beenacted in the field, where we feel most alive.

ants walk two ways

ants walk two ways

A collective publication resulting from a research project led by Sophie Orlando and Katrin Ströbel that takes as its starting point the way in which current geopolitical, economic and social changes induce a renewal and adjustment of artistic strategies, by investing, in an intersectional perspective, contextual thinking and feminist, queer and postcolonial thinking in an artistic and conceptual way.

Passage – a song

Passage – a song

What do we hear? Can we hear the stories that emanate from the visual information? Are we projecting from our memories or closing our ears to the cries? Can we hear the noise of the place or the deafening silence? What is the sound we hear in silence?

Echoes of the Brother Countries Reader

Echoes of the Brother Countries Reader

The Echoes of the Brother Countries Reader embarks on a rigorous reappraisal of the historical exchanges between the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and its so-called BruderlĂ€nder (brother countries). Published on the occasion of the eponymous research and exhibition project at Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), this reader considers the echo as a fulcrum to examine the resonant aesthetic, social, and political implications of an era from the perspectives of those who were deeply affected by the GDR’s state and labour policies, yet gravely overlooked in its histories.

Echos der BruderlÀnder Reader

Echos der BruderlÀnder Reader

Der Reader zum Projekt Echos der BruderlĂ€nder versucht eine Aufarbeitung des historischen Austauschs zwischen der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (DDR) und ihren sogenannten ‚BruderlĂ€ndern‘. Die Publikation, die anlĂ€sslich des gleichnamigen Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekts im Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) erscheint, versteht den Begriff des Echos als Dreh- und Angelpunkt, um die Ă€sthetischen, sozialen und politischen Implikationen einer Epoche aus der Perspektive derjenigen zu untersuchen, die von der Staats- und Arbeitspolitik der DDR zutiefst betroffen waren, aber in der Geschichte der DDR kaum wahrgenommen werden.



Togetherward is a volume assembling new and existing documents that revisit, mix and remix moments in the work of artist Christian Nyampeta. The volume is composed of material that exceed singular authorship, in the form of texts, images, film stills, footnotes, photographs, poetry, and translations. 

O Quilombismo Album

O Quilombismo Album

Beyond thinking with quilombismo as a metaphor, O Quilombismo: Of Resisting and Insisting. Of Flight as Fight. Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies. deliberated on the intellectual and political implications of a philosophy and ideology based on the quilombos, mapping the spaces that they have made and continue to make possible today. Featuring over 100 full colour images and installation views, the O Quilombismo Album is a visual record of these acts of opening again, a celebration of conviviality.

O Quilombismo Handbook

O Quilombismo Handbook

The O Quilombismo Handbook is an indispensable companion to the eponymous exhibition. It includes background information on and numerous images of all exhibited works, texts providing further insight into the practice of the participating artists, as well as floor plans and sketches of the exhibition spaces. Two introductory essays provide context for the philosophy of quilombismo and the conceptual framework of the exhibition.

O Quilombismo Handbuch

O Quilombismo Handbuch

Das O Quilombismo Handbuch ist die unentbehrliche Begleitpublikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung. Darin finden sich Werkinformationen und Abbildungen aller gezeigten Arbeiten, vertiefende Informationen zu den beitragenden KĂŒnstler*innen sowie LageplĂ€ne und Skizzen der AusstellungsrĂ€ume. Zwei einleitende Essays fĂŒhren in die Philosophie des Quilombismo und das Konzept der Ausstellung ein.