Tag: spirituality

Gbegbetopia—Maison Gbegbe

Gbegbetopia—Maison Gbegbe

Maison Gbegbe is a cultural center in Togo that aims to bring together different cultures, traditions, religions, and knowledge systems, and to create a space for exchange, reconcil- iation, and critical thinking. The project is a collaborative effort involving members of the Union des Cultes Traditionnels du Togo (UCTT) in Agouegan, L’Africaine d’Architecture, art&dialogue e.V., and a pre-configuration committee.

O Quilombismo Album

O Quilombismo Album

Beyond thinking with quilombismo as a metaphor, O Quilombismo: Of Resisting and Insisting. Of Flight as Fight. Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies. deliberated on the intellectual and political implications of a philosophy and ideology based on the quilombos, mapping the spaces that they have made and continue to make possible today. Featuring over 100 full colour images and installation views, the O Quilombismo Album is a visual record of these acts of opening again, a celebration of conviviality.

O Quilombismo Handbook

O Quilombismo Handbook

The O Quilombismo Handbook is an indispensable companion to the eponymous exhibition. It includes background information on and numerous images of all exhibited works, texts providing further insight into the practice of the participating artists, as well as floor plans and sketches of the exhibition spaces. Two introductory essays provide context for the philosophy of quilombismo and the conceptual framework of the exhibition.

O Quilombismo Handbuch

O Quilombismo Handbuch

Das O Quilombismo Handbuch ist die unentbehrliche Begleitpublikation zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung. Darin finden sich Werkinformationen und Abbildungen aller gezeigten Arbeiten, vertiefende Informationen zu den beitragenden Künstler*innen sowie Lagepläne und Skizzen der Ausstellungsräume. Zwei einleitende Essays führen in die Philosophie des Quilombismo und das Konzept der Ausstellung ein.

O Quilombismo Reader (DE)

O Quilombismo Reader (DE)

Der Reader zum Projekt O Quilombismo: Von Widerstand und Beharren. Von Flucht als Angriff. Von alternativen demokratisch-egalitären politischen Philosophien, wendet sich an Leser*innen mit Interesse an den konzeptionellen Hintergründen und den kuratorischen Linien der Ausstellung: Auflehnung, Befreiung, Spiritualität, Ekstase, neue kulturelle Formen und ästhetische Paradigmen, Interpretationen von Kollektivität und Quilombo als Queering.

O Quilombismo Reader (EN)

O Quilombismo Reader (EN)

This reader, published on the occasion of the project O Quilombismo: Of Resisting and Insisting. Of Flight as Fight. Of Other Democratic Egalitarian Political Philosophies, brings the themes of the eponymous group exhibition to those interested in wider conceptual explorations around its multifaceted curatorial threads: insurgence, resistance, liberation, spirituality, ecstasy, new cultural forms and aesthetic paradigms, quilombo as queering, and the reimagination of collectivity.