Shadow Is the Essential Vehicle
Santu Mofokeng

The Black Photo Album / Look at Me, 1997
35 mm slide projection, 80 slides, black and white, duration: 6min, 40sec

The Black Photo Album / Look at Me, 1997
35 mm slide projection, 80 slides, black and white, duration: 6min, 40sec

Comrade Sister, White City Jabavu, ca. 1985, from the series “Townships,” 1985–87
photography is mostly about projections. You project yourself, you bring yourself, you respond to things according to your own background, knowledge and history. Sometimes what you bring is your preconception.
— Santu Mofokeng

June 16 Commemoration, Regina Mundi, Soweto, 1986

Lake Once Filled with the Ashes of the Cremated, KZ2–Auschwitz, 1997
gelatin silver print. From the series “Landscapes of Trauma,” 1997–2004
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An Ongoing- Offcoming Tale by Bonventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung
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